Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!

Leadership skills training development courses, programs, tool kits, books, seminars and workshops are great ways for creating, building and enriching energy in your life, your career and your organization! This "weblog" uses leadership skills-related quotes, articles, research, findings, practical examples and assessments to help you plan, organize, communicate and manage for growth through all your leadership skills training and development endeavors.

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Location: Pueblo, Colorado, United States

Bill Thomas is Managing Principal of Mustard Seed Investments, Inc. He is also Publisher and Director of the Leadership-Toolkit[TM], Awesome Leaders![TM] and Innovative Leadership Seminars![TM]. He trains and coaches clients in over 75 countries on various business, organizational leadership, innovative business practices, strategy and technology issues. He also writes papers and consults and lectures on the new models, skills and resources required for wealth creation by knowledge professionals and executives in the Imagination Age.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Leadership's Skillful Use of Mechanical Roles in Developing Plans and Training People

During the past few days, we have looked at the roles played by leaders in the formation, implementation and execution of a strategic plan. Today we'll explore the mechanics of leadership practice in the processes of planning, doing and directing.

Aarti Iyer provides us with an intriguing outline of leadership's crucial role in the development and importance of a strategic plan:

    "Strategic planning is both a logical, rational process, and a process that involves people. It takes more than developing a plan for that plan to be implemented...we [must] consider that the critical link between planning and doing is leadership." [to read her entire article, see the Human Resources Circle discussion group in Yahoo - HRCircle at yahoogroups.com - Digest-142]

What are the mechanics of strategic leadership? We will describe what those functions could look like:

    => Engine - converting one energy source into a greater or more focused source of energy;

    => Pump - concentrating and directing a source of energy in such a way as to provide a focal point for the user of that energy;

    => Processor - manipulation of energy in such a way as to make a value, logic or null based decision to channel that original energy source;

    => Channel - a directing of or being a conduit for energy without adding or enhancing that energy source in any appreciable way;

    => Amplifier - the expansion of energy by using methods of analysis in such a way so as to increase or strengthen the original energy source;

    => Transformer - the conversion of energy into another form so as to increase or enhance the magnitude of the original energy source;

    => Synthesizer - combining or composing the elements of an energy source in such a way as to create a new or greater whole form of energy;

    => Carburetor - mixing or combining a supply of energy in such a way as to facilitate a more powerful or effective use of that energy source.

Making skilled use of leadership in these suggested roles could improve, energize and empower the success of your strategic planning process - being mechanical means being an instrument for energy flows.

Energy can not be created and can not be destroyed, energy can be re-directed, converted into new forms or released into the environment and become another form of energy.

You can also think of using these mechanical processes to develop, train and nurture the leadership behaviors, skills and competencies of your people.

Are you using the planning process to energize and electrify the commitment of your people to imaginatively exploit the opportunities of change?

In what ways could you use your strategic plan, its objectives, its perspectives or its vision to amplify, nurture and transform the power of your group?

Do you crave better ways to empower and improve the leadership skills of your people?

From now till January 11, 2005, you can get a Planning Workshop Facilitator's Manual [40 pages], Workgroup Handout materials [35 pages] and 75-minute Webinar for Leaders and Workshop Facilitators for 50% less!

Learn how this very affordable, yet uniquely effective planning leadership tool

    => Enriches your planning process,

    => Empowers your people;

    => Energizes your leadership performance

Click HERE to Learn the Mechanics of Strategic Leadership, Energize your Plan, Empower People and Develop Success!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Skilled Leaders Shift Gears By Training People & Developing Strategic Plans

Aarti Iyer's brilliant summary of strategic planning reveals an essential truth of skillful leadership practice - your strategic plan "should be the basis for introducing controlled change into an organization so it can adapt to changing times."

Aarti expands this idea with this forward-looking thought:
    "By anticipating shifting demands, the plan serves the purpose of allowing the organization to control its own direction, rather than waiting until [environmental - such as political, economic, cultural, legal, social or other] forces demand change (and demand change NOW)."[for more information, see the Human Resources Circle discussion group in Yahoo - HRCircle at Yahoogroups.com - Digest-142]
Very few of us enjoy disruptions to our normal, everyday routines and thought-patterns. Effective leaders insist on using annual strategic planning and update sessions to:

    => Sensitize their people to face the realities and process of change;

    => Prepare their people to look-for, welcome and embrace the forces of change;

    => Empower their people to smoothly deal with and manage year-to-year changes;

    => Train their people to become skilled agents and competent masters of change.

Are you using the planning process to encourage and engage your people to face and embrace the challenges of change?

How often do you use your strategic plan, its objectives, its perspectives or its vision to empower, nurture and train your group?

Do you look for better ways to develop and strengthen the leadership skills of your people?

From now till January 11, 2005, you can get a Planning Workshop Facilitator's Manual [40 pages], Workgroup Handout materials [35 pages] and 75-minute Webinar for Leaders and Workshop Facilitators for 50% less!

Learn how this very affordable, yet uniquely effective planning leadership tool
    => Enriches your planning process,

    => Empowers your people;

    => Energizes your leadership performance
Click HERE to Shift Gears, Lead your Plan and Develop Success!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Involve Them! How Leaders Develop & Train People To Learn New Skills

Obtaining the emotional, psychological and intellectual buy-in of your people -- especially those who rarely have an opportunity to contribute in those critical ways -- to your planning process should be leadership's key priority.

As Aarti Iyer's truly instructional post advises, leaders must design, shepherd and guide:

    "the planning process so that staff feel that they have adequate input into the process, that they are heard, and their values and visions are incorporated into the final plan and its implementation" [see the Human Resources Circle discussion group in Yahoo - HR Circle at yahoogroups.com- Digest-142]

With the right process, strategic planning can actually spawn itself into some of these vital opportunities to exercise your leadership:

    => Engage employees, volunteers and mission partners as your co-creators, co-conspirators or co-leaders in shaping, implementing or supervising the plan

    => Encourage and train your associates to develop their innate creativity, communication styles, critical and systems thinking, value engineering, leadership behaviors and attitudes, teamwork and collaboration, mapping and modeling skills and more

    => Enter into agreements with your stakeholders to hold you accountable for turning the plan into tangible reality and elicit their commitment and assurance that they too will assume responsibility for certain sections of the plan

    => Establish a schedule for communicating with your people using coaching, mentoring, consultative sessions, progress conferences, focus groups, team reports, performance reviews, reward and recognition ceremonies, etc.

    => Empower your people to have authority for or take the lead in further defining or refining the strategy, sculpting your vision and mission, and aligning organizational and personal values by:

      - taking process ownership or leadership roles;

      - becoming quality champions or entrepreneurial detectives;

      - creating meeting or event agenda items;

      - participating in goal- or priority-setting;

      - conducting formal consulting or coaching sessions with others

Does your planning process enables you to encourage and engage your people in all those ways?

How could you solicit, channel, align and incorporate the personal values and visions of your group so that organizational goals and priorities are enhanced and extended?

Once the plan is created, what are you doing to make it the roadmap you use to lead, supervise, steer and control its implementation to edifying, empowering and successful conclusions?

From now till January 11, 2005, you can get a Planning Workshop Facilitator's Manual [40 pages], Workgroup Handout materials [35 pages] and 75-minute Webinar for Leaders and Workshop Facilitators for 50% less!

Learn how this very affordable, yet uniquely effective planning leadership tool

    => Enriches your planning process,

    => Empowers your people;

    => Energizes your leadership performance

Click HERE to get your FREE Webinar and begin your leadership adventure!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Using Strategic Planning for Leadership Skills Training & Development

Recently, Aarti, shared the following observation [see the Human Resources Circle discussion group in Yahoo - HR Circle at yahoogroups.com - Digest-142]:

    "if we look at strategic planning..., as a blueprint for change, we also need to consider that any organization has built-in inertia...[that is,] the tendency to keep on doing what one has been doing.

    On its own, the strategic planning process, as traditionally undertaken, is insufficient to overcome this inertia. Other forces need to come into play if the plan, and proposed changes get implemented."

Aarti goes on to name leadership as the primary force for change and we agree with this proviso:

    - Leadership must be energized, electrified if you will, by another group of forces;

    - We must use the planning process itself as an opportunity to generate energy and distribute those energies throughout the organization;

    - The energies produced during the planning process must be identified, evaluated, captured and directed towards the creation and implementation of the plan;

    - Energy may be classified as fitting into one of the following general categories

      => Creative

      => Innovative

      => Entrepreneurial

      => Social [such as, teamwork, collaborative, networking, partnering, etc.]

      => Systems-related [systems design, analysis, support, etc.]

      => Educational [training, development, self-directed learning, etc.]

In a nutshell, you must transform your strategic planning process into a series of leadership skills training and development exercises.

If you hope to break the inertia and feelings of frustration or futility of yet another useless annual planning session, you should turn those sessions into opportunities to develop and train your people to become leaders - then hold them accountable for implementing and supervising the plan.

I guarantee you that your plans will take on a momentum of their own that even inertia can not overcome!

Do you have a planning process that enables you to encourage and engage your people in all those ways?

How do you solicit, channel, align and incorporate the personal values and visions of your group so that organizational goals and priorities are enhanced and extended?

Once the plan is created, how can it be your roadmap that you use to lead, supervise, steer and control its implementation to successful conclusions?

From now till January 11, 2005, you can get a Planning Workshop Facilitator's Manual [40 pages], Workgroup Handout materials [35 pages] and 75-minute Webinar for Leaders and Workshop Facilitators for 50% less!

Learn how this very affordable, yet uniquely effective planning leadership tool

    => Enriches your planning process,

    => Empowers your people;

    => Energizes your leadership performance

and we'll see you at our next Webinar! Click HERE for more info.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Effective Planning Needs Leadership Skills, a Process of Development & Training To Energize Breakthrough Ideas!

To ensure successful buy-in for plans, and maximize the involvement of all associates, leaders need a process for developing plans which generates as many breakthrough ideas as possible.

In a recent post, in the Human Resources Circle discussion group [see HR Circle at yahoogroups.com - Digest-142], member Aarti suggests two things leaders are responsible for in the planning process:
  1. "ensure that as many members of the organization as possible buy into the values, mission, and broad organizational goals" being proposed by the plan.

  2. managing "the planning process so that staff feel that they have adequate input into the process, that they are heard, and their values and visions are incorporated into the final plan and its implementation"

Effective leaders like Jack Welch of GE, Bill Gates of Microsoft and Tom Peters all agree that leading means developing, guiding, training, coaching and educating people physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

Do you have a planning process that enables you to encourage and engage your people in all those ways?

How do you solicit, channel, align and incorporate the personal values and visions of your group so that organizational goals and priorities are enhanced and extended?

Once the plan is created, how can it be your roadmap that you use to lead, supervise, steer and control its implementation to successful conclusions?

From now till January 11, 2005, you can get a Planning Workshop Facilitator's Manual [40 pages], Workgroup Handout materials [35 pages] and 75-minute Webinar for Leaders and Workshop Facilitators for 50% less!

Learn how this very affordable, yet uniquely effective planning leadership tool
    => Enriches your planning process,

    => Empowers your people;

    => Energizes your leadership performance
and we'll see you at our next Webinar!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

How Do Skilled Leaders Develop & Train Themselves To Create Innovative Energetic Solutions?

Does God Empower Leaders to Create Energetic Innovative Solutions?

Let's look at some passges from Paul's Letter to the Romans, in Chapter 8, in Verses 9 through 18:

    Romans 8:9 But if God himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won't know what we're talking about.

    10 But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells--even though you still experience all the limitations of sin--you yourself experience life on God's terms.

    11 It stands to reason, doesn't it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he'll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ's!

    12 So don't you see that we don't owe this old do-it--yourself life one red cent.

    13 There's nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life.

    14 God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!

    15 This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?"

    16 God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children.

    17 And we know we are going to get what's coming to us--an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we're certainly going to go through the good times with him!

    18 That's why I don't think there's any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times.
[From The Message Bible, (MSG) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson - http://www.messagebible.com/]

The answer to our question is a resounding YES! - Yes God gives us His kind of power, authority and ability to live a life of abundance, love, grace, peace, hope, faith, self-control, adventure, energy, joy, positive expectancy, freedom from fear, vitality with richness and prosperity.

You can learn how to develop and train your leadership skills to be a creator of innovative, energetic solutions using the techniques, principles and processes that God Himself uses - check out our book for innovative leaders today.

Want to strengthen your faith, visit our Faith Corner and get resources like Christian Books to help guide and energize you.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Gives Leaders the Skills of Training & Developing the Lord's Energy of Love

Today is Christmas.

I wish your family, friends and you the very best - may you keep the hope, joy, peace and faithful assurance of the real reason for this day in your hearts throughout the days of every year.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and give our thanks to Him for it! This day is the one we have chosen to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, we should be glad and rejoice for His coming to earth for our sakes!

We who have asked Jesus to be the Lord of our lives know the truth of Christmas and that truth has made us free of the bondage of this world. If Jesus Christ is not your Lord, I would suggest you learn the reasons why He came to earth and why He joyfully gave up His life for us.

I will tell you that there is no better Christmas present a person can receive than the gift given to us all by the Lord God Almighty - "for God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life!"
- John 3:16

May you continually be comforted, blessed and lifted-up by the precious gifts of love, grace and mercy of our faithful Lord. Amen.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Investments In Skills Development & Leadership Training Programs Create Innovative Energy

The numbers prove it!

Is it possible for leadership skills training and development programs to increase the bottom-line?

Do companies who invest more into educating their employees than their competitors enjoy healthier profits and greater amounts of growth than those companies who don't make similar levels of investment?

Apparently so.

Research findings are beginning to show how publicly-traded firms who invest in developing their human capital report higher profits over time than other public companies. Factors like large increases in productivity, innovative solutions and service value leadership form the basis of these conclusions.

In the Third Quarter 2004 issue of the "Milken Institue Review", authors, Laurie Bassi and Daniel McMurrer, report that predictive metrics based on training program investment levels confirm strong indications of optimized performance in public companies.

    After sifting through the financial performance data of US public companies, we wanted to learn if "employer investment in skills really did pay off."

    Bassi and McMurrer data shows results of a stock portfolio invested in high-training firms versus the Standards and Poor's 500 Index over a 48-month period proved their point. "The results were clear: firms that made large investments in employee development subsequently outperformed the stock market."

If your company does not invest in developing your leadership skills, maybe it's time for you to do so yourself. It works for companies and it can work for your own career success too.

Affordable training programs can be effective in helping you to think right about becoming a competent leader. I have friends who have used courses like those to empower themselves and attain success in all areas of their lives!

You'll discover that

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Developing Leadership Skills Can Come Through Innovative Trained Leaders

Are you open to being helped?

Many times, people in leadership training hold the mistaken belief that only their teachers know how to help them learn leadership skills and principles.

If someone has weaved you an elaborate tale of how only other leaders can show you the 'ropes' or that only those buttoned-down, up-and-coming junior executive-types can show you how to charge into the fray and take no prisoners then you're in for a surprise.

Not everyone who has gone before you knows how to lead or knows what they're doing in this new age of knowledge - so you can forget all those myths and nursery stories right now!

When you break free from assumptions like those mentioned above, you will see how people operating in various walks of life and those working in different professions or sectors of the economy from yours can and will add rich, colorful textures to your tapestry of leadership.

Perhaps it would enable those who are not in positions of leadership to understand the art and science of leadership better by studying and reporting on the leadership performance of their supervisors. Sometimes that kind of exercise can reveal certain truths about leaders and followers.

Developing leadership qualities, attitudes and skills can be as simple as asking people to assess, analyze, and then thoroughly discuss their impressions about the performance of their leaders.

Those techniques could be effective in helping followers to think right about their need for competent leadership. I have friends who have used methods like that to empower their team members attain success.

There are self-paced, leadership tool kits available to you, there are step-by-step instructor-guided leadership skills training programs and there are courses to help you become a passionate leader, too.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Developing Skilled Leaders Takes Long-term Commitments to Training

I'm surprised by the huge number of leadership training programs that feature short term exposures to the complex job of leading others and yourself.

I have to wonder how you are supposed to master the diverse arts, practices and processes of leadership in 12 hours or less?

In those flash-in-the-pan, quick-as-lightning workshops and seminars, you are told that you will come out of the classroom with an in-depth understanding of 15 or 20 topics and develop 5-7 new leadership skills - yeah, sure you will!

Just today, I received a beautiful color brochure describing a 4-day "executive seminar" - they tell me, I can spend those days away from my office, while I...

    - listen to about 24 hours of lectures from clever college professors,

    - practice their compendium of ideas for 60-120 minutes with strangers

    - work on solving fantasy problems in very contrived situations and

    - return back to my organization bursting with new ways of doing things

Oh yeah, I forgot - total cost for this "training" is a mere $6500+ USD plus room and board and travel expenses [which will cost me at least $2500] - grand total for the application of this brand new shiny veneer of leadership skills training and development is only $9000 or so!

By now, it should be obvious to you that the most effective leadership training requires LONG-TERM continuous, committed and caring support, follow-ups and assessments from your training provider.

I have to insist that your leadership skills training program must show you how-to think-like, believe-like, act-like, behave-like & manage-like a confident, persuasive, creative, highly effective leader, each and every day!

And your investment for this type of training should be affordable and performance guaranteed to bring you measurable results.

Here's a solution for you...


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Beyond the Fifth Dimension - How Skilled Leaders Develop & Train People to be Innovative, Creative Evolutionary Leaders

You have probably seen definitions for the three traditional dimensions of leadership styles, to wit:
  1. Autocratic [bossy],
  2. Democratic [participative] and
  3. Delegative [free reign].

However there are other styles besides those three. These styles deal with the added dimensionality of leading, managing and working within a world which
  • Experiences ever-increasing complexity in its relations, assumptions and perceptions
  • Demands that everyone become more creative and innovative in their thinking
  • Views the forces of evolution as being more preferable to the influence of revolution
I believe these other styles are more congruent with the challenges of today's knowledge-based economy - that means those styles enable leaders to:
  • Establish more pliable and flexible networks
  • Manage the intensely dynamic nature of today's relationships and technologies
  • Strengthen the connectedness and competence of various alliances, joint ventures and partnerships.

In a word, these other styles expand the dimensions of the leader's mission to:

    - Assemble disparate knowledge assets into newer, more appropriate and sensible configurations,
    - Connect diverse resource pools with human capital components [that is, social, intellectual, production and developmental capital];
    - Empower organized efforts to process, digest and master the forces of ever-changing scenarios.

Have you learned how to lead a creative, innovative, evolutionary organization yet? Transform yourself into an innovative leader today!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Powerful, Skillful Leaders Develop & Train People to be Innovative

Powerful leaders adopt different roles to match the variety of contexts confronting her. Those roles are not part of some deception, rather they are included in the leader's portfolio for the purposes of
  • adapting to dynamic situations in a calm, focused manner
  • optimizing the influx of energies to produce more elegant solutions and leverage the sources of innovation
  • acting with consistency, friendliness and candor in the perception of associates

Leaders add value to the work products of organizations through their application of patterned traits. These patterns are techniques leaders employ in their quest to make significant contributions to their group's growth, prosperity and health.

Skillful leaders apply unique patterns to their work so they can
  • Share their time fairly, productively and judiciously,
  • Open their hearts, feelings and thoughts to develop or maintain the trust of their people,
  • Demonstrate how sincerely they relate to and empathize with the needs of others
  • Concentrate their attention on higher priority tasks and commitments
  • Enhance interactions between key partners and increase the effectiveness of their social networks

Leading creative, evolutionary and innovative organizations means adopting work patterns that cultivate, nurture and nourish your organizational resources.

Are you ready to lead your people towards higher levels of creative, innovative and evolutionary greatness? Become an innovative leader today!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Love Energizes Develops & Trains Your Leadership Skills

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

In the verse above, the Greek definition for the word, "power" means
    1) strength power, ability

      a) inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth
      b) power for performing miracles
      c) moral power and excellence of soul
      d) the power and influence which belong to riches and wealth
      e) power and resources arising from numbers
      f) power consisting in or resting upon armies, forces, hosts

"Love" is defined as
    1) brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence [from the Strong's Dictionary & Concordance]

We have been given a 'spirit' that is free from fear because that spirit is filled with, composed and has the nature of love, power and a mind with the ability to exercise self-control and moderation.

In Deuteronomy 7:13, the Lord tells Moses to assure the people of Israel that the Lord's blessings of love will empower them and enhance their lives:
    And he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and your oil, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he swore unto thy fathers to give thee.

Later, the Lord tells the Israeli nation to love Him and He will bless them abundantly with land, riches, victories and many other wonderful things - see Deuteronomy 11:22-25

1 John 4:18 comforts us with the knowledge of the power brought into us through love:
    There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear hath torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love.

Leaders who keep love in their minds, hearts and deeds will surely enjoy an energetic, skillful, fully developed and adequately trained ability to overcome the most difficult circumstances in this life.

In John 21:15-17, The Lord Jesus asks Peter the same question in 3 different ways
    "So when they had dined, Jesus says to Simon Peter, Simon, [son] of Jonas, loves thou me more than these? He says unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knows that I love thee. He says unto him, Feed my lambs."

In this first request Christ tells Peter to look after spiritual development of the meek and innocent people in the world, in the second, Christ tells him to tend to and govern the Christian flocks of disciples and in the third request, Christ tells him to promote and develop the spiritual growth and strengthen the spiritual natures of Christians.

Jesus points out to Peter and us all that it will take our love of Christ and God and the sons of God to accomplish those feats.

Is your love strong enough to shape the world? Take a moment and visit our Faith Corner today.

God bless you.


Saturday, December 18, 2004

Leaders Skilled in Giving, Develop, Train & Shape The Greatest Innovative Leaders

Giving others your time, support and smile, blesses them. Our friend and fellow leader, Tracy, passionately gave others all of those things and more.

We have heard it said that God gave humans two ears and only one mouth for a good reason. Even though Tracy has passed on to more glorious pastures, we will remember how she used her mouth to smile.

However, what God actually told us is that, "death and life are in the power of the tongue". Tracy put the meaning of that sentence into everyday practice - she only opened her mouth to say those supportive things she sincerely wanted to bring into existence!

Powerful leaders tend to say very little in terms of non-essential stuff, Tracy's words were uttered solely to proclaim the very visionary, loving or meaningful.

So what is loving or meaningful to other people? Their needs, desires and fears are the most important things to them. People will always reveal those feelings or thoughts about themselves through spoken and unspoken communications.

That's why Tracy made it her mission in this life to share her joy, caring concern and time with others. Those laudable traits were the primary reason why so many people will miss her and follow her lead for the rest of their lives.

First, Tracy always listened to and learned more about our concerns, then she spoke to help us fulfill and satisfy those needs.

That's why, Tracy was skilled in giving, because through her leadership she shaped, developed and trained her world to become the greatest - just like she was.

Farewell and God's speed to you, Tracy - your leadership style energized our creativity and innovative ways and empowered us all to attain success.

We will think right and endeavor to live our lives in a manner which upholds your noteworthy examples of leadership.


Friday, December 17, 2004

Skilled Envisioners Train & Develop Creative, Innovative Leaders

To learn what objects are pending out on those far pavilions, we must step back from edge of chaos to see and discern the patterns of the forest.

Big picture viewers don't see tons of details, rather, they search for and discover
  • lines of directions,
  • tendencies of occurrences,
  • pockets of opportunity,
  • positioning of principles,
  • evolutions of resources,
  • arrangements of priorities,
  • fields of focus.

When their exploratory excursions are nearly done, they begin to connect the dots, cross the "Ts" and mark the trails - passionate, creative, innovative leaders ask:

  • What, where and why is this the "Promised Land"?
  • How have others taken this type of journey?
  • How should we attempt to travel this path?
  • How will we know if we're heading in the right direction?
  • How can we survive in or find our way out of this wilderness?
  • Are we thinking right for the destination we are aiming for?

Do you need envisioning skills that empower, energize and enable you to attain success?

Do you want to lead a creative, innovative, evolutionary organization?

Check out this powerful combination of tools, worksheets, in-depth definitions and proven scientific methods.


Thursday, December 16, 2004

Skillful Leaders Train & Invest Their Energy Into Developing Innovative Solutions

"Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes." - Henry J. Kaiser, American Industrialist

Problems are unavoidable challenges of living. The leader who develops a habit of avoiding problems is no leader at all.

Powerful leaders welcome encounters with problems - they know the potential benefit of something better, or a more effective process waits on the other side of solving their problem.

I use a quick 4-step formula to approach, diagram and finish every problem-solving task:

    1) What situation are you in?
    2) What 'problems' do you see there?
    3) What are the implications of keeping or solving your problems?
    4) What kinds of payoffs do you need or want to come out of your solutions?

Great leaders train their minds and develop their skills to
  • Develop a success-oriented mental attitude
  • Think right, analyze and recognize trouble coming,
  • Put on their work clothes and get to work with purpose
  • Energize themselves to passionately struggle and plough through uncertainty
  • Reveal and polish the hidden jewels of opportunity, value or innovation.

Learn how you can lead a creative, evolutionary, innovative organization today!


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Recognition Energizes Ways Skilled Leaders Train & Develop People to Live Passionately

When you pay deep and sincere attention to someone, you have a better opportunity to ask for and receive their full cooperation and unwavering support.

Ever talked much about yourself with one person and watched their eyes glaze over from the sheer boredom of hearing your tale?

Now, have you ever lost your way without a clue of where to go next and had a total stranger practically take you by the hand and personally guide you to your destination?

Why would one person fall asleep concerning your needs while another would go completely out of their way to serve your interests?

Let us examine the differences.

In one case, you paid attention to your thoughts and feelings. Your conversation was mainly self-directed talk. You really did not need the other person to participate in the discussion. You were not seeking their input or feedback.

In the other situation, you did the following things
  • you gave your complete attention to their opinions and suggestions,
  • you listened to their knowledge and wisdom,
  • you offered them the ability to serve a greater good,
  • you experienced their kindness and love for another person,
  • you satisfied their hope for positive feedback on their contributions and
  • you recognized their empowerment of your growth.

Do you see how it works? It is hidden within those acts of assistance.

The best ground for developing, training and energizing your people is found where the soil is the most fertile, nurturing and nourishing.

Cast your seeds in the place where you can elicit, enlist and enhance your group's staunch commitment for, fully engaged participation in and sincerely recognized contribution to the growth potential of that important project, campaign or mission.

Leaders give people a realistic, sincere and meaningful chance to blossom.

Think right.

Go for winning their hearts and minds.

Then go for winning the gold and attaining success!


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Energy is Developed Through Personal Leadership Skills Training

Mahatma Gandhi advised us, "Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory."

The challenge of leadership is rooted in the doing and an orientation towards achieving something that has value, substance, 'traction', meat, possibility - in other words, we all want to do things that are worthwhile, worthy, glorious, praiseworthy or redeeming.

Yes, there is a "drudgery" to the pushing, pulling and urging activities of leaders - so then, every leader faces plenty of trials, hassles, tribulations, roadblocks, tests, obstacles, perils, brick walls, pitfalls and more.

Every challenge, problem and pitfall represents a force of energy - when you encounter these energies, you must expend energy to work-through those difficulties, don't you? Wise leaders build up their own energy supply using personal leadership skills training programs and techniques.

Is your "power-battery" fully charged and ready to face the tough challenges of the world? Attain Success through personal leadership skills training

How do you keep your personal fuel-tank topped-up? Live A Passion-filled Life!

Do you understand how the force of energy works with and against the plans, goals and efforts of your organization? Leaders Think Right

What do smart leaders do to maintain their machine-efficiencies?
They use a Road-Crew

Learn how energy works and how you can strengthen its effects for your own growth - Become an Innovative Leader Today!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Conquering Challenges Is Why Leaders Develop Strong Skills & Train Their People

Some writers use the term, "leadership power" to describe a much broader set of concepts and principles - I call those phenomenon, the effects and features of energy.

Effective leadership means dealing with, conquering and rising above the challenges of this world. Those leaders need to understand and act with the energies of our universe in specific ways under a host of circumstances or situations.

Developing strong leadership skills and training your people and yourself to improve the actions of meaningful leadership results in significant capabilities.

While there are many uses, deployments and outcomes of energy, here are 7 critical ways you can employ the energies of training and development to create valuable impacts on your world:

  1. Communicate with and understand the needs of other people
  2. See the big picture and plan for its realization
  3. Inspire others to cooperate with you and commit themselves to new initiatives
  4. Evaluate, work-through or overcome challenges of all kinds
  5. Identify problems and find effective solutions that will adequately handle those difficulties
  6. Prepare your will, mind and heart to take responsibility, persist and accept diverse pools of viewpoints
  7. Adapt your style, role and work-pattern to fit the demands of the project and get the job done

Become the conduit, conductor, facilitator, instrument, pipeline or channel of energy for your organization. Empower the innovative, creative and evolutionary outputs of your people.

This book will energize the leadership talents, resourcefulness of people and human capital assets available to you.

Conquer your challenges - get your copy today

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Skilled Leadership Power Comes Through Energized Prayer Developed By Training Your Mind

Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

Matthew 22:[31] have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, [32] I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

So then the power of skilled leadership can be heightened, energized and expanded by God - by knowing the work of God that is being accomplished by the Will of God, your leadership enjoy the added benefits provided by power of God.

What is the Will of God? The scriptures are the Willed Power of God - He confirms this fact in: Isaiah 55:11, where the Lord tells His prophet, Isaiah, "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it."

Prayer is the energizing ingredient that comes as a result of a godly trained and developed mind. That trained or transformed mind gives its owner the benefits of proof concerning the good and perfect will of God - as confirmed in Romans 12:2
    "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Through faith [faith is using hope and belief to form the substance of your hope, it is believing you have received and accepted your hope to serve as the evidence of what you can not see] you can pray without any doubts and tangibly realize the desires of heart. Jesus teaches us how to do this in the two verses below:

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this [which is done] to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. [22] And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

The leaders who pray, in faith and believe, will receive the hopes and desires of their hearts - are you energizing yourself, are you powering your leadership skills through prayer?

Learn how to do these things and tap into the power of God:
Get Equipped - Transform Your Life!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Leading Innovation Requires Skills, Training and Development of Contextual Knowledge

Context = Features + Influences + Effects

Which contextual features affect leadership roles? How and in what ways can the situational context influence your leadership styles?

Contextual features or cues reflect, exhibit the effects, and demonstrate the multiple varieties of the produced results for
  • a given situation or moment of time,
  • unique properties of the involved groups or individual people,
  • the motivated mission and purpose of the organization,
  • the prevailing moods or dominant influences driving segments of society

Leading a particular enterprise requires development of contextual-based forces, conditions and knowledge and training in contextual-evaluation skills.

Contextual qualities are multi-dimensional factors which serve to support, impede or restrain the efforts of leaders. In effect, we could conclude that it is the contextual settings and times which convict, compel and call-forth the leader to take decisive action.

Do you need to know how to read, evaluate and transform your contextual cues into successful actions, solutions and decisions? If so, learn how you can develop the critical know-how and be trained in the leadership skills you need to make innovation a daily occurrence in your organization. Visit this page:


Friday, December 10, 2004

Innovative Leaders Discover Energetic Solutions Via Skills Development & Training

If You Look For It - Will It Come...?

Leaders who want to find energetic solutions for their situations need an acute awareness of the contextual cues concealed, residing or lurking within every challenge.

Innovative leaders are able to accurately interpret those cues and then develop appropriate approaches and a series of responses for effectively managing the demands of each cue.

How do they translate cues into applicable meanings, strategies and decisions? Successful leaders transform the obstacles and difficulties facing them into focused training and development opportunities.

In a word, those leaders take action on their problems by being curious to learn new things - problems always equal learning exercises for those types of leaders. To learn is to energize.

The leader is tasked to find the many different sorts of cues in these places:

  • Inside their own organizational empires
  • Buried in the resource groups or entities available to them
  • Within all those they interact with or supervise.

Leaders need to assess the relevance, urgency and potentials for the contextual cues surrounding them. Our book about discovering the sources and natures of social energy is available at:


Thursday, December 09, 2004

Leadership Drives Innovation Through Energetic Development & Skills Training

As successful entrepreneur, W. Clement Stone, once observed, "All the world's progress in every field of activity has been the result of action by men and women who experienced inspirational dissatisfaction - for it is [that wholesome form of dissatisfaction] that converts the magic of desire into reality."

In a recent webinar, sponsored by CLO Media [http://www.clomedia.com], publishers of Chief Learning Officer magazine, 47% attendees correctly saw leadership as the primary driving force pushing organization-wide innovation.

Creative, clever and ingenious people need active, energetic encouragement and an authentic support system to unlock their innovative energies - they need all three of the following energy sources

  • They must have the fully developed commitment of their entire organization,

  • They must be properly trained in the systematic practices of innovation

  • They must have positive reinforcement from their highly skilled leaders.

Yes, to be sure, leaders do provide inspiration and have the authority to legitimately express their dissatisfaction but those leaders must possess the skills needed to feed, nurture, cultivate, edify, guide and coach their people through the traumatic birthing process of innovative activity.

Much of the knowledge needed by today's leader is being made available in the form of seminars, papers, articles, and books. If you want to learn more about it, check out our "how-to" Manual, it's called: Leading A Creative, Evolutionary, Innovative Organization!

This manual uses proven scientific principles, checklists and worksheets, diagrams and charts to train and develop leaders like you boost their creative, innovative leadership skills.


Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Leading Innovative Change Demands Skills Training & Development of Knowledge

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

"Understanding how to create solutions leads to gaps in our knowledge"

Does this statement seem to make the process appear to be slightly out-of-sequence?

When we encounter problems, difficulties or challenges, aren't those the times we notice that there are "gaps in our knowledge"?

When gaps are found we naturally want to search for solutions, or ways to bridge or augment our knowledge.

So the first thing we need to understand is that our knowledge has shortcomings [let's call it a "knowledge deficit"], and then we hunt for facts, ideas or theories to help us erase our knowledge-deficit.

"Gaps in our knowledge leads to innovation to fill those gaps and consistent process finally delivers the required change."

In our search for those 'deficit-filling' facts, ideas and theories, we begin to see, discover or uncover one or more of these phenomena:
  • the unexpected,
  • the break in logic, assumption or rhythm, or
  • the change in structure or paradigm behind the "problem"

That means when we walk on the path towards innovation, we are 'on-the-right-track' to that place where:
  • we must do our work with or on things in different ways,
  • we take more effective actions on the things that we work with or on,
  • we must work with or on things with greater levels of efficiency.

Leading others to think, work and contribute more innovatively means being skilled, trained and developed to exploit the sources, practices and disciplines of innovation.

When was the last time you were taught to be innovative? Want to know how to lead a creative, evolutionary, innovative organization? Here's your new textbook!


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Powerful Leadership Strategies Demand Skills Training and Asset Development

Leadership Power Principle - Strategies are for Drivers!

Strategy is for those leaders who yearn to get there! Your vision may sound pretty and look nice but without a vehicle you won't be able to take your vision on that special date.

Your leadership power gets most of its energy from a strategy that just begs to be driven. Your strategy can help you sustain the momentum and force of your vision.

In my time, I've seen plenty of ugly cars, trucks and trains but they all had one thing in common - they would take you wherever you wanted to go and could make the journey of getting there just as exciting, memorable and comfortable as any roadway beauty.

Your strategy's success depends on your attention to these actions:

    1) Training your people to be independent creative thinkers

    2) Develop your assets to carry all of the burdens of your strategy

    3) Constantly groom your group's skills through practical application of your strategic initiatives

You will need to drive your strategy

    => by steering towards your stretch goals,

    => by filling-up with the right resources,

    => by using a roadmap to navigate through the thorny areas

    => by measuring the effectiveness of its progress andexecution.

Take a page from my Book, "Leading A Creative, Evolutionary, Innovative Organization!" and focus all of your training, coaching and developmental efforts on your group's leadership skills - your strategy will enjoy the ride!


Monday, December 06, 2004

Leadership Skills for Developing & Training A Creative, Evolutionary Organization

The following words are taken from the Letter to My Readers, "Leading the Creative, Evolutionary Organization!"

Are you a leader? You are if you perform any one of the following tasks:

  • You work involves creating, developing, marketing or promoting any idea;

  • You are an entrepreneur who's engaged in leveraging innovative opportunities;

  • You act as the leader in any project, team, group or organizational endeavor

Leaders handle a vast array of challenges, opportunities and problems in their workplace or operational settings. Effective leaders expertly use the principles of evolution, creativity and ecology to order, shape and influence their environment.

Our knowledge-focused economy demands a level of leadership competence which differs completely from all previous eras. Your duties must leap beyond the limited orientation of your normal taskmaster supervisory administrative managerial roles.

In this brave new world, you will come to appreciate, empathize with and more clearly understand the leadership perspectives of the botanist, explorer, microbiologist, chemical engineer, oceanographer, physicist, zoologist, operations researcher and ecologist.

You can obtain your copy of this essential collection of skills-based training and leadership development tips, practical worksheets, helpful diagrams and charts and knowledge-rich explanations by visiting:

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Leadership Power Means Being Skilled and Trained by Faith

12 years ago today, I gave the authority, rule and power over my life to the Lord Jesus Christ - it was the first day of my new existence as an officially recognized, fully-translated son-of-the-Most-High-God, with a divine-nature living as a born-again-in-the-spirit creature.

It was the best day of my life!

What has all this got to do with using leadership skills training to develop strong faith and leadership power?

Well, I'll let God Himself explain it in His own Words:

Acts 6:5 "and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and [other disciples]..."

Acts 6:6 "Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid [their] hands on them."

Acts 6:7 "And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith."

Acts 6:8 "And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people."

With this same training and application of God's power, people like Stephen and many others have been able to perform mighty works of miracles like healing, the easing of sorrows, the relieving of sicknesses and pains and sufferings, the refreshing of the heart and soul, blessings of peace and relief from worries, and many other signs of supernatural, nature-transcending powers.

Or shall we use the example of Paul's leadership power? Where did Paul's ability to bring hundreds of thousands to the Lord, and over the last 2000 years, his words to bring even millions upon millions to accept Jesus as their Lord

1 Corinthians 2:4 "And my [Paul's] speech and my preaching [was] not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: "

1 Corinthians 2:5 "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. "

Both men underwent the skills training necessary to develop the leadership power and faith of so very many people - their education came through a higher power but nevertheless they were trained to increase the leadership energy of others.

Would you be willing to be trained to exercise the power and develop the faith shown by Stephen and Paul? If you are, simply join our mailing list by going to the bottom of this web page:


Saturday, December 04, 2004

Successful Leaders Energize Skills By Training & Developing Personal Growth Plans

Smart Move - Be Sure To Engage in First-Person Research

It must be obvious to you that successful leaders improve their skills and maintain their edge by aggressively training and developing themselves. Could your leadership use the boost of energy that comes when you take time to develop a personal growth plan?

Creative leaders make it a point to evaluate the progress of their own personal development - such as, the stages of growth and the legitimacy of each stage, they also assess their behavior and preferences.

Do you regularly or completely write down or record your thoughts, feelings and ideas? How much effort do you devote to keeping a journal, a diary or notes on your inner self?

Are you the type of person who looks for and analyzes the contradictory desires inside yourself or do you tend to notice a distinction between your desires and intentions?

What do you use to practice consciousness development or strengthening activities? In what ways do you structure your time to engage in meditation, martial arts, crafts or improvisational theater kinds of activities?

Today is the first day in the rest of your life. How will use this first-day to prepare and organize yourself for a successful future?

Use the link below to try out this wonderful tool for FREE and during the next 30-days, you'll see how well it helps guide you to plan for personal growth and achieve sweet success.


Friday, December 03, 2004

Energize Your Leadership Skills - Develop A Service Strategy

When you read the words, "Servant Leadership", what image pops into your mind? Do you picture a king toiling in the fields next to his farm workers, or do you see imaginary scenes of your supervisor sweeping the floors or washing clothes?

Don't worry, most people have trouble with this concept of service-minded leaders. We still want to think of those who lead us as being 'command-and-control' types or highly confident, decisive individuals.

While many leaders share aspects of those two archetypes, the effective, exemplary, extraordinary leaders are, first and foremost, truly servants or at the least, extremely service-oriented.

You can energize your leadership skills by training your mind, will and emotions to adopt a philosophy of serving others. Developing your heart, soul and spirit to inspire and motivate you to act in ways that benefits people is vitally important to your success.

Do you desire to be thought of as a leader who exerts great influence and earns the respect of others? If so, you will want to steadfastly embrace and be faithful to a rock-solid belief system that evangelizes a mission of service.

The best, most productive and resourceful leaders make themselves useful in many different ways - typically, they serve:

    - as a solution,

    - as the facilitator who empowers people,

    - the specific needs of some group,

    - a greater good,

    - a higher power or purpose.

Why Use a Strategy of Service?

Strategies help you to define your approach, position ordirection. Your leadership strategy should reflect the toneof your intention. In other words, your strategy should actas a guideline for your leadership style, role, behavior,agenda or patterns of work.

Looking to develop your own strategy of service? Learn how here:

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Great Leaders Develop and Train their People's Skills

Good leaders realize they must provide a service to those who follow them - great leaders are inspired to apply a multitude of methods to train and develop the skills of their people.

"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand." - Woodrow Wilson

To be effective, you need to understand Mr. Wilson's advice and harness those eclectic, motivating forces of your people. Developing people means encouraging, nurturing, building their confidence and reinforcing their determination to succeed.

You must dig under the facades presented by people to reveal their intangible natures and qualities. When you uncover their truths, you can help them overcome their weaknesses and discover their hidden talents through training them to reach for higher levels of performance.

Great leaders are constantly learning how to find effective ways to give their people opportunities to grow, flourish and blossom - you could say, leaders are in the energy-channeling, nourishment-providing business.

If you have experience with training and developing your own skills, abilities and mind-sets, then you will easily search for techniques that work and use your knowledge to:

      => Encourage and magnify positive mental attitudes

      => Apply liberal treatments of positive reinforcement

      => Provide sincere, candid expressions of recognition or rewards

      => Strengthen and focus the faith, hope and charity of people

      => Use spiritual, emotional and theological truths to transform and energize their creativity, achievements and resourcefulness.

    This self-paced leadership skills development and training program can help to bring out your own leadership greatness.


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Create Energy Using Your Leadership Skills Training and Development

You can be a successful leader who channels energy, boosts creativity and empowers the growth of others by learning how to leverage your human capital assets.

People have a tendency to add value to the circumstances oftheir lives. We normally act "organically", that means, we are creatures who seek to cultivate, nourish and multiply ourselves.

It's natural to think of those arenas where we exercise our value-appreciating desires as "capital asset" areas.

There are 4 distinct places where we perform our value-enhancements:

  1. Production - the ability to create, evaluate, perform,deliver, process, supply, execute, apply, produce and manyother "functional" activities.

  2. Knowledge - may be thought of as having an ability to think,analyze, conceive, extrapolate, interpret or translate andother mental, reasoning, cogitating or intellectual actions.

  3. Social - the forming of relationships, communities, teams,partnerships or alliances, the developing and sustaining ofnetworks, interactions, exchanges or transactions with andbetween other people.

  4. Utilization - concepts involving capabilities towards,growing, improving, enhancing, evolving, developing,learning, educating and progressing beyond one's innate ornatural ability - an ability to act towards and achieve thefulfillment of one's potential

Your leadership training program should show you how to analyze, define and perform the most important task of a leader's job - that is, to enrich human capital.

This leadership skills development manual helps leaders like you assess, dissect, evaluate and improve the value-energizing capabilities of your team or organization. It contains worksheets, checklists, diagrams and in-depth explanations of how to enrich your human capital assets.