Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!

Leadership skills training development courses, programs, tool kits, books, seminars and workshops are great ways for creating, building and enriching energy in your life, your career and your organization! This "weblog" uses leadership skills-related quotes, articles, research, findings, practical examples and assessments to help you plan, organize, communicate and manage for growth through all your leadership skills training and development endeavors.

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Location: Pueblo, Colorado, United States

Bill Thomas is Managing Principal of Mustard Seed Investments, Inc. He is also Publisher and Director of the Leadership-Toolkit[TM], Awesome Leaders![TM] and Innovative Leadership Seminars![TM]. He trains and coaches clients in over 75 countries on various business, organizational leadership, innovative business practices, strategy and technology issues. He also writes papers and consults and lectures on the new models, skills and resources required for wealth creation by knowledge professionals and executives in the Imagination Age.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Expert Reveals 301 Ways To Improve Leadership Development and Boost Your Leadership Skills!

Despite unprecedented access to a rapidly-expanding body of knowledge, business and non-profit leaders are finding they still can't locate essential leadership skills training and the fundamental techniques they need to overcome poor, sub-par performance, according to leadership development expert and book author, Bill Thomas.

Leadership performance improvement consultant, Bill Thomas, has researched the proven methods, strategies, principles and attitudes of legendary leaders to describe the "dynamic drivers" of their success and achievements. His conclusions go beyond conventional platitudes and offer leaders fresh yet invigorating insights into the skills and practices needed to empower themselves and energize their followers.

In this Handbook, Thomas explains:
1. How leaders can apply over 301 powerhouse techniques to improve their results
2. How to energize, engage and encourage group performance
3. How to plan, manage and discover hidden opportunities
4. How to abundantly enrich your social networks, partnerships and relationships
5. How to precisely increase, fine-tune and sharpen your creativity
6. How to leverage and empower your growth potential
7. Why the best purpose in leadership is N.O.B.L.E.

"The Leadership Power Handbook: Mastering The Dynamic Drivers of Legendary Leadership For Your Personal and Professional Success!", is 161 pages and is available in an electronic yet printable format.

Additional information about the book's contents is provided at:


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