Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!

Leadership skills training development courses, programs, tool kits, books, seminars and workshops are great ways for creating, building and enriching energy in your life, your career and your organization! This "weblog" uses leadership skills-related quotes, articles, research, findings, practical examples and assessments to help you plan, organize, communicate and manage for growth through all your leadership skills training and development endeavors.

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Location: Pueblo, Colorado, United States

Bill Thomas is Managing Principal of Mustard Seed Investments, Inc. He is also Publisher and Director of the Leadership-Toolkit[TM], Awesome Leaders![TM] and Innovative Leadership Seminars![TM]. He trains and coaches clients in over 75 countries on various business, organizational leadership, innovative business practices, strategy and technology issues. He also writes papers and consults and lectures on the new models, skills and resources required for wealth creation by knowledge professionals and executives in the Imagination Age.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Skilled Envisioners Train & Develop Creative, Innovative Leaders

To learn what objects are pending out on those far pavilions, we must step back from edge of chaos to see and discern the patterns of the forest.

Big picture viewers don't see tons of details, rather, they search for and discover
  • lines of directions,
  • tendencies of occurrences,
  • pockets of opportunity,
  • positioning of principles,
  • evolutions of resources,
  • arrangements of priorities,
  • fields of focus.

When their exploratory excursions are nearly done, they begin to connect the dots, cross the "Ts" and mark the trails - passionate, creative, innovative leaders ask:

  • What, where and why is this the "Promised Land"?
  • How have others taken this type of journey?
  • How should we attempt to travel this path?
  • How will we know if we're heading in the right direction?
  • How can we survive in or find our way out of this wilderness?
  • Are we thinking right for the destination we are aiming for?

Do you need envisioning skills that empower, energize and enable you to attain success?

Do you want to lead a creative, innovative, evolutionary organization?

Check out this powerful combination of tools, worksheets, in-depth definitions and proven scientific methods.



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