Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!

Leadership skills training development courses, programs, tool kits, books, seminars and workshops are great ways for creating, building and enriching energy in your life, your career and your organization! This "weblog" uses leadership skills-related quotes, articles, research, findings, practical examples and assessments to help you plan, organize, communicate and manage for growth through all your leadership skills training and development endeavors.

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Location: Pueblo, Colorado, United States

Bill Thomas is Managing Principal of Mustard Seed Investments, Inc. He is also Publisher and Director of the Leadership-Toolkit[TM], Awesome Leaders![TM] and Innovative Leadership Seminars![TM]. He trains and coaches clients in over 75 countries on various business, organizational leadership, innovative business practices, strategy and technology issues. He also writes papers and consults and lectures on the new models, skills and resources required for wealth creation by knowledge professionals and executives in the Imagination Age.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Effective Planning Needs Leadership Skills, a Process of Development & Training To Energize Breakthrough Ideas!

To ensure successful buy-in for plans, and maximize the involvement of all associates, leaders need a process for developing plans which generates as many breakthrough ideas as possible.

In a recent post, in the Human Resources Circle discussion group [see HR Circle at yahoogroups.com - Digest-142], member Aarti suggests two things leaders are responsible for in the planning process:
  1. "ensure that as many members of the organization as possible buy into the values, mission, and broad organizational goals" being proposed by the plan.

  2. managing "the planning process so that staff feel that they have adequate input into the process, that they are heard, and their values and visions are incorporated into the final plan and its implementation"

Effective leaders like Jack Welch of GE, Bill Gates of Microsoft and Tom Peters all agree that leading means developing, guiding, training, coaching and educating people physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

Do you have a planning process that enables you to encourage and engage your people in all those ways?

How do you solicit, channel, align and incorporate the personal values and visions of your group so that organizational goals and priorities are enhanced and extended?

Once the plan is created, how can it be your roadmap that you use to lead, supervise, steer and control its implementation to successful conclusions?

From now till January 11, 2005, you can get a Planning Workshop Facilitator's Manual [40 pages], Workgroup Handout materials [35 pages] and 75-minute Webinar for Leaders and Workshop Facilitators for 50% less!

Learn how this very affordable, yet uniquely effective planning leadership tool
    => Enriches your planning process,

    => Empowers your people;

    => Energizes your leadership performance
and we'll see you at our next Webinar!


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