Developing Leadership Skills versus Loser-ship Training
Anyway, I began that old game of mine earlier this week after seeing a leader [who shall remain nameless for now and for fear of being led by this person to the court of opinions, etc.] - as I was saying the game was afoot after my meeting with the nameless leader.
Well anyway, here we go:
There is...
=> leading people and there is losing people
=> committing their hearts versus omitting them altogether
=> sensing their moods as opposed to menacing them
=> rendering service versus defending poor service
=> serving their needs vs. swerving from their needs
=> siding with them versus sliding away from them
=> finding solutions versus blinding them
=> giving to people as opposed to gypping [cheating] them
=> meaning something to people versus demeaning them
=> offering something to people versus offending people
=> hosting people as opposed to ghosting [presenting a false image to] them
Are you an innovative leader?
What actions do you take to improve your leadership skills?
Don't lose people lead them - become the Ultra-leader of you group today!
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