3 Leadership Training Programs Mistakes That You Make Everyday!
Most professionals, executives and entrepreneurs do not believe it!
But you along with most of them are making the exact same 3 mistakes every single day.
You are relying on leadership training programs that you have attended and (probably) graduated from in the past.
Good for you, but as many experts would agree with me concerning the practice of leadership - if you are not learning everyday, then you're not being as effective a leader as you could be!
In these challenging times we find ourselves in, you really need to stop making the same mistakes everyday too, don't you?
What are these so-called mistakes?
- Leading people means you need to have the attitude, skills and use the processes of a world-class professional - competencies like superior research, quality controls and management, value analysis and engineering, sales and selling, written and oral communications, negotiation, superb reading speed and comprehension, mapping, modeling and diagramming, and so on and so forth;
- Leading people means you need to possess strengths and high levels of emotional intelligence, spirituality, self-reliance, a positive mental attitude, self-esteem, unflappable faith, moral and ethical integrity, self-determination and persistence and so many similar personal strengths, resources and abilities;
- Leading people means you must have stellar team, organizational, innovative, creative, inspirational, transformational, personal, educational, professional, social, political, ecological, entrepreneurial leadership skills, processes, policies, philosophies, knowledge and expertise.
- Are you making the mistake of not getting leadership training that addresses all of the above requirements?
- Are you thinking that you don't need to know or that you don't have to become an excellent performer in doing all those things listed above?
- Are you feeling like I am being unreasonable, unrealistic or unbelievable in my expectations for your leadership growth, improvement and resourcefulness?
Stop making the same mistakes over and over again, while expecting a different result (Einstein called that kind of thinking, insane!)
Use this leadership training program to get a better and very different result!