Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!

Leadership skills training development courses, programs, tool kits, books, seminars and workshops are great ways for creating, building and enriching energy in your life, your career and your organization! This "weblog" uses leadership skills-related quotes, articles, research, findings, practical examples and assessments to help you plan, organize, communicate and manage for growth through all your leadership skills training and development endeavors.

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Location: Pueblo, Colorado, United States

Bill Thomas is Managing Principal of Mustard Seed Investments, Inc. He is also Publisher and Director of the Leadership-Toolkit[TM], Awesome Leaders![TM] and Innovative Leadership Seminars![TM]. He trains and coaches clients in over 75 countries on various business, organizational leadership, innovative business practices, strategy and technology issues. He also writes papers and consults and lectures on the new models, skills and resources required for wealth creation by knowledge professionals and executives in the Imagination Age.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Leadership Power Handbook Christmas Holiday Gifts Bundle!

Leadership Power Handbook Christmas Holiday Gifts Bundle!

What's That?
Call it a gift incentive...
Think of it as a bold bribe...
See it for what it is - a BIG, Book, Bonus, Bundle
(more than 28 great personal and professional development books!)

What's It About?
I want to make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to resist, you have until December 31, but I am convinced you will want to grab this MASSIVE enticement for yourself way before then...

What'll I Get?
It's the Leadership Power Handbook 2007 Holiday Bonus Bundle!

What's In The Deal?
A 201 page paperback Leadership Power Handbook, or use the downloadable version of the Leadership Power Handbook PLUS 3 bonus books, PLUS 12 More bonus books, PLUS 12 more secret bonus books all for you or you can send the Handbook itself as a gift from you to your family, friends or colleagues...

What Should I Do?
Check out this page and place your order for the Handbook today - just in time for Christmas, New Year's Day resolutions or whatever holiday gifts bundle ideas you're looking for!
Leadership Power Handbook

When you complete your order with our publisher, Lulu Publishing Inc., they will send you an email with a link for you to grab your bonus book bundles [ALL 28+ books] - all you do after that is download your books!

What's It For?
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Thank you and God bless...